Theme From Star Trek
Lyrics by Gene Roddenberry
Music by Alexander Courage
(c) 1966 (renewed 1994) BMI

Beyond the rim of the star light
My love is wandring in star flight
I know he'll find in star clustered reaches
Love strange love a star woman teaches
I know his journey ends never
His Star Trek will go on forever
But tell him while he wander his starry sea
Remember remember me

The seldom heard lyrics was ploy by Roddenberry to get 50 percent of
all the music royalties every time a Star Trek episode would be run
and rerun. The theme lyric was never a intented to a creative effort
to be sung. It was the first lyric written by Roddenberry. It was only
a contact ploy to get half of performance royalty monies from

When Courage signed the contact to write the Star Trek music, he was
unaware of the two sentence clause near the end of the contact giving
Roddenberry the right to write the lyric. Roddenberry's attorney,
Leonard Maizlish, inserted the that contact clause addition.

Courage had mistakenly believed that he was signing the usual
boilerplate contact and had not fully read the contact before signing
it. Because of his mistake, Courage royalties for the Star Trek theme
is only 50 percent instead of 100 percent.

Almost two year later with Star Trek placed on NBC schedule, Courage
questioned Roddenberry about the contact. Roddenberry said "Hey, I
have to get some money somewhere. I'm sure not going to get it out of
the profit of Star Trek."

Burton Craddock
July 5, 2000